Rules & Constitution



1. The association shall be known as the Yeovil and Sherborne Angling Association.

2. The purpose of the association is :-

a) To provide freshwater angling for trout and coarse fish within the local area. To obtain fishing rights where possible in local rivers and still waters and where it is not possible to obtain leases for such fishing to negotiate for rented or other permission for members to fish.

b) It shall be the purpose of the Association wherever possible to maintain existing fish stocks, or subject to the land owners consent and Environment Agency (EA) byelaws, to improve them by restocking.

3. Membership

a) Membership of the Association shall be open to members of the public and shall be secured by payment of an annual subscription.

b) The rates of subscription shall be decided at the AGM on the recommendation of the committee.

c) Membership of the Association does not confer the right to fish in Sherborne Lake, for which membership of the Lake Section is necessary.

d) All members must hold the appropriate EA Rod Licence subject to EA byelaws.

e) Life Membership maybe conferred upon members by the Annual General Meeting on recommendation by the Committee, where it is considered that a particular member has performed an exceptional service to, or on behalf of the Association. The number of life members shall not exceed 10 at any one time.

f) There shall be no restriction on members belonging to other angling bodies.

g) Junior membership to be available to those under the age of 16 years.

h) The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership.

i) Where a member is in breach of the Association Rules the matter shall be considered by the Committee who shall decide whether or not disciplinary action should be taken. The defaulting member shall be invited to attend any disciplinary hearing and may be represented. Where a member fails to appear before the Committee any decision shall be communicated to the member within 7 days of the hearing.

j) Members shall have the right to appeal to the AGM, notice of appeal to be lodged three weeks prior to the date of the AGM.

k) Any member or visitor who, whilst fishing or going to or from the river, leaves the gates open or wilfully damages growing crops or woods shall pay for the damage thereby incurred and be liable to lose their membership.

l) Members will not enter any field adjoining the river which is laid up for hay from 15 May until the grass is cut.

m) No dogs are permitted.

n) Guns are prohibited.

o) Trout Fishing from 1st April to 30th September.

p) Trout under 12 inches to be returned to the water. No more than two Trout to be retained in any one day.

q) All coarse fish to be returned to the water.

r) Bailiffs and the Committee have the right to search.

s) Members must produce licence on request by owners and their representatives.




1.  Members must not enter the castle grounds before the stated entry time and must leave before the stated exit time (Entrance gates will be locked). Entry/Exit times are published on our website and should be checked prior to fishing as they are subject to change. In addition, the entry and exit times for fishing the Shallows, Lawns and Pegs 42 to 74 are also published on our website.

2.  The “EAST LAWN” and all the Main Castle Grounds that are open to visitors are STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS to Anglers with the exception ot the 5 permanent “Lawn Pegs” and access to Pegs 42 – 74. See Map or Click on “Maps” Tab. Shallows can only be fished when closed to visitors. See website for Dates.

3. For Entry, Exit and Parking see Sherborne Lake Parking Map. Park by the cattle grid. Front of Vehicle must face the road. Vehicles must NOT cross the cattle grid.


5.  Members will receive a new car disc each year with their licence. This is to be CLEARLY DISPLAYED in the windscreen. Any Angler failing to display their disc clearly could forfeit their days fishing.

6.  Members will not take families or dogs when fishing. One non-fishing guest may be taken when fishing the “End of Woods to End of Lake” area (Pegs 1-41). Member and guest will not walk about. Juniors must be accompanied by an adult member and must fish in the adjacent Peg.

7.  Members must leave their peg clean and tidy and take all litter home.

8.  Pegs may not be reserved.

9.  Parking & Fishing areas are shown on the maps. Fishing Times published on our website.

10. The use of the permit is not a pass to walk the castle grounds

11. Do Not enter Castle Grounds if you are not Fishing.

12. Anglers are not permitted to go beyond pages 1 and 74 to gain access to the other side.

13. Fishing from permanent pegs only. No fresh swims will be cut by anglers in any area.

14. The Shallows must not be fished when in flood.

15. Members are forbidden to sell fish or eels caught from Association waters.

16. Any member lending or refusing to show their permit or violating any existing Acts of Parliament for the preservation of fish or birds or any infringement of these rules, will forfeit their membership.


18. Particle baits, e.g. Sweet Corn, Hemp, Tares, Boilies, Pellets etc may be used. ALL NUT BAITS are BANNED.

19. All Fish to be returned to the lake.

20. No fish in spawn to be put in keepnets.

21. The Committee reserves the right to impose a keepnet restriction at their discretion. Details will be posted on our website, the lake notice board at the end of woods car park and the entrance gate to the shallows and lawns.

22. Match and pleasure anglers, please note that two keepnets, one for Bream and one for silver fish, must be used at all times.

23. A Maximum of three rods may be used for fishing from the same peg and within the confines of the swim providing the necessary EA licences are held.

24. The use of  Bait Boats is prohibited.

25. The Pike season is from 1st October to the 14th March.

26. Fishing for Pike, you can either Lure Fish or use Dead Baits. Coarse fish or Trout must not be used as bait. Strictly NO LIVE BAITS.

27. When fishing for Pike semi barbless hooks, wire traces, minimum of 12lb breaking strain line (15lb recommended), minimum of 36inch landing nets (triangular) or 30″ rubber meshed spoon. No gags allowed. For more info visit the Pike Anglers Club website (

28. Pike anglers must use unhooking mats on the platforms.

29. When lure fishing for Perch, a wire trace or equivalent must be used. If Drop Shotting or using Jig Heads for Perch a single barbless hook must be used (Max size 4). The use of a wire trace or equivalent is optional but advised.


· The parking arrangements must be adhered to at all times.

· Strictly no tackle to be dropped off at swims.

. Anglers must not contact the estate directly with any angling/estate issues but to contact Y&SAA in the first instance.

· Any member living outside a 15 miles radius of Yeovil and Sherborne shall be deemed to be an associate member and thus cannot vote at the AGM.

· The licence must be carried at all times when fishing club waters.

.  Please see on our Website Page for the Sherborne Castle Estate Risk Assessment.

. In the Event of High Winds (40mph+) Sherborne Lake will be Closed to All Anglers. Do Not Fish that Day if High Winds are Forecast.

· Guest ticket cost and purchase details are on the main licence. Guest tickets must be paid for in advance to the day of fishing. THE GUEST MUST FISH ON THE ADJACENT PEG TO THE MEMBER.


To Safe guard our fish stock and reduce the risk of transferring disease from one water to another, the most effective way of counteracting  this is to ensure all nets, weigh slings, unhooking mats, Boots and Clothing etc are completely dry before use. All anglers fishing our waters must comply with this so that we can keep the spread of disease to a minimum.


Blue-Green Algae.

Ticks in Grass can carry

Lyme Disease.

Fishing Banks and Water can carry Weil’s Disease.

Discarded Line Kills Wildlife and can result in fishing rights being revoked.


Posted March 2020

High Wind Speeds at Sherborne Lake

To clarify to our members when Sherborne Castle Estate closes the lake to anglers to fish due to high winds and when the estate is reopened please take note of the following.

1.     If the BBC Weather App is forecasting wind speeds of 40mph plus  the estate will be closed to all anglers etc that day and will remain closed until the wind speeds forecast on the BBC weather app are below 40mph for the next complete day.

2.     A risk Assessment will be undertaken on the day the wind speeds forecast are below 40mph by Sherborne Castle Estate and as long as they are happy to reopen, anglers will be able to enter the estate to fish after 10:00am that day.

3.     Directly before making your journey to fish Sherborne Lake always check the BBC Weather App for high winds.

4.     If in doubt don’t fish and please observe the rule regarding no angler is to contact the estate.

Posted August 2019

Sherborne Castle Estate Risk Assessment

All Sherborne Lake Members. Please read and understand the Risk Assessment Document produced by Sherborne Castle Estate. This can be found by clicking on the Venues tab then Lakes.

Posted March 2019

Lake Closed to Anglers during High Winds

In the event of High Winds Sherborne Castle Estate will be closed to all members of the public for their own safety due to the possibility to falling trees and branches.

This means that the lake will also be closed to all anglers.

High Winds are classified as winds of 40mph and above.

Guideline to Stop Spreading of Disease

To safe guard our fish stock and reduce the risk of transferring disease from one water to another, the most effective way of counteracting this is to ensure all nets, weigh slings, unhooking mats, Boots and Clothing etc are completely dry before use. All anglers fishing our waters must comply with this so that we can keep the spread of disease to a minimum.