Rother & Military Cana

​The R.F.A. has two waters on which day tickets are sold should an ODAA Member want to take a Guest.  Blackwall Bridge and the Royal Military Canal. These are available from the ‘Tackle and Gun Shop’ in Tenterden.  On the canal, tickets are also sold on the bank. Green signs indicate R.F.A. waters. At all approaches to our waters, there are signs so that anglers can easily see where they may fish.2)     COMPETITIONS:
Various sections of water are bookable, both by Member and other groups/clubs. For details, contact the Tackle and Gun Shop in Tenterden (Mr. G. Parry) on 01580 764851.There are two trophies which Member clubs can compete for:
i)      the ‘Rother Trophy’ – contact Mr. Parry for details and
ii)     the ‘Specimen Fish Trophy’ – if you catch a good fish, and details are forwarded to the Secretary (Mr. V. Gould)  he will judge the  entries and whichever is judged the best will be awarded the trophy  to be held until the end of December in that year.3)     CLOSE SEASON:
The traditional Close Season of March 15th – June 15th. inclusive applies to ALL R.F.A. waters.

4)     WATERS:
The R.F.A. has about 7 miles of fishing on the River Rother and about six miles double – bank fishing on the Royal Military Canal between Iden Lock and Appledore. In total, about 1100 typical ‘swims’.

The details below refer to the R.F.A. waters from the downstream end, working up river from each point of access. O. S. Refs. refer to 1:50000 Landranger Series map 199 ‘Eastbourne and Hastings.’

a)     Blackwall Bridge – O.S. Refs. 885 258 to 873 276. 2300 in total: 1900 yards right hand bank upstream and also about 400 yards downbstream, left hand bank (commencing about 300 yards down) access via gates near to Blackwall North pumping station on Peasmarsh – Wittersham road. Broad, open, previously dredged river. Very popular. Parking no problem. There are about 80 swims on the Rother here and, where it joins the Potmans Heath Channel, there are another 40 or so. On the lower reach, ‘Ham Green’, about 25 swims are available.
Known Species

  • Gudgeon
  • Barbel
  • Common Carp
  • Perch
  • Roach
  • Dace
  • Bream
  • Tench
  • Rudd
  • Pike
  • Eel

b)     Newenden – O.S. Refs. 836 272 to 839 274; (on A28 Tenterden – Northiam Road) about 650 yards left hand bank downstream (starting next to J. Bourne’s Yard) from 832 272 to 838 274. Very limited parking in Lossenham Lane by the cricket field or at the far end by the pumping station
Quite deep river, excellent for silver fish and renowned for good pike but NOTE FISHING STRICTLY RESERVED FOR RFA MEMBERS ONLY and the water is clearly signposted with RFA signs. On the upper reach in summer, boats are moored here, and some anglers use their own kayaks or small boats to fish from, but river is deep enough so that they cause little problem. Evening fishing can be excellent for silver fish.
Known Species

  • Chub
  • Perch
  • Roach
  • Bream
  • Rudd
  • Pike
  • Eel

c)     Bodiam Bridge, downstream (right hand bank, field opposite castle only) and upstream (right hand bank) through to Udiam Bridge from O.S. Ref. 783 254 to 772 243. (About 40 yards excluded; below Castle Inn garden.) Parking can be difficult on the roadside, you may be able to use the Castle car park by negotiation.
Strictly RFA Members ONLYwhich is on our membership also and the water is clearly signposted with RFA signs, upstream and downstream. Sea Trout run through here.
Known Species

  • Chub
  • Perch
  • Roach
  • Dace
  • Bream
  • Pike
  • Eel

d)     Udiam Bridge, on A229 Maidstone – Hastings road; downstream left hand bank (meets section as above from Bodiam) and upstream right hand bank from O.S. Ref.771 244 to Salehurst Footbridge 751 238. By now, river is smaller, meanders strongly. Large weir here. Difficult parking.

The river here is noted for fish like Chub, but reputedly there have been catches made of occasional golden orfe! Upstream of the bridge is Park Farm campsite and so there are other users of the river besides the RFA.
Known Species

  • Chub
  • Perch
  • Roach
  • Dace
  • Pike
  • Eel
  • Brown Trout

e)     Salehurst Church and footbridge, O.S. Ref. 751 238. Downstream (left – hand bank; meets water upstream of Udiam) and upstream right – hand bank to Robertsbridge O.S. Ref. 738 241. Access off of Robertsbridge by-pass (A21)both to Salehurst and Robertsbridge.Parking at Salehurst by church, but can be difficult. ‘Small river fishing.’ Small weir at footbridge.

‘Small river fishing.’ Small weir at footbridge. River is fast flowing from the weir downstream, and with lots of tree cover and ‘challenging’ swims! Easier bank access, slower and a little deeper upstream. Occasional brown trout are caught: a river ideally suited to the lone / roving angler.Known Species

  • Chub
  • Perch
  • Roach
  • Dace
  • Pike
  • Eel
  • Brown Trout

f)      Robertsbridge O.S. Ref. 738 241 – meets water upstream of Salehurst. Left – hand bank downstream. Parking no problem. Altogether, about 6000 yards of river down to Bodiam.
Robertsbridge to Bodiam: about three miles of small stream fishing: narrow, fast flowing, some deeper pools. Some dense weed beds. EA survey work shows presence of species including Sea-Trout, Brown Trout, Dace, Chub, Gudgeon, Roach, Minnow, Eel, Perch, Pike. Bankside vegetation can be quite dense in summer so ideally suited to roving fishing.
Known Species

  • Chub
  • Perch
  • Roach
  • Dace
  • Pike
  • Eel
  • Brown Trout


Both banks from Appledore Dam (O.S. Sheet 189 Ashford & Romney Marsh Area) Ref. 953 285 to Iden Lock (confluence with River Rother) 936 245. Approx. 3 miles both banks. Parking & access from lay – byes; access only (no parking) to ‘field’ bank from Appledore Dam farm & Stone Bridge  & Iden Lock.  25 yards wide, 3 – 6 feet deep. Hard in winter when levels are dropped very low for flood defence reasons.
25 yards wide, 3 – 6 feet deep. A very productive water at times, especially for silver fish in the afternoon/evening. Can be weedy in summer, and difficult in winter when levels are dropped very low for flood defence reasons. Water is clearly signposted with RFA signs.
Known Species

  • Common Carp
  • Perch
  • Roach
  • Dace
  • Bream
  • Tench
  • Rudd
  • Pike
  • Eel


River Rother.
Robertsbridge to Bodiam: about three miles of small stream fishing: narrow, fast flowing, some deeper pools. Some dense weed beds. EA survey work shows presence of species including SeaTrout (recorded to double figures), Brown Trout, Dace, Chub, Gudgeon, Roach, Minnow, Eel, Perch, Pike. Banks can be quite dense in summer so ideally suited to roving fishing.
Bodiam to Newenden: the water becomes wider and opens out within a flood defence channel. The above species are found, though with more Roach than Chub / Dace, now and also some Bream and occasional Tench.
Not so many trees: the river has been heavily modified. A good water for pike. Weed can be quite dense upstream.
Blackwall Bridge: the river is now wide and deep, almost like a Fenland river. Day tickets available, and over 100 swims available up to and including Potman’s Heath Channel (shallower, more lilies.) An excellent fishery.

Royal Military Canal, Iden Lock to Appledore Dam. Most popular at Iden Lock. Excellent winter pike fishing. Weedy in summer, worth using a weed cutter before fishing. Accessible most easily from the bends in the canal on the road side. All typical coarse fish present. In winter, levels are dropped quite a lot.

Up to two cars can park free in the castle car park (NOT the Castle pub car park!).
Members must show their membership card to the ticket office and up to two permits on any one day will be issued (i.e. up to two cars).
The permit must be displayed within the car, and returned to the ticket office upon departure.
Members will have to purchase a ticket from the machine if the permits have already been issued.
If the property is closed to the public, RFA members may park free of charge in the car park.
To check opening times:



Access & Parking

