Rules & Constitution

Members and their Guests must be in possession of a current Fishing Licence issued by the Environment Agency and they must comply with its provisions.

Trout Close Season
1st October to 24th March

Members are earnestly requested to return personal Records of Fishing (other than Appleby Carr) not later than 30th November 2014 to assist the Committee with the good management of our waters.

All Members, guests & ticket holders use the Clubs facilities entirely at their own risk and the Club cannot be held responsible for any injury or damage sustained by any cause whatsoever arising from the use of such facilities.

Furthermore all vehicles left in areas designated by the Club are at the owners risk should loss, damage or injury occur.


1. That the name of the Club shall be the “Knaresborough Anglers’ Club.”

2a. That the affairs of the club shall be managed by a Committee of six, together with the President, Vice-President, Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer (four of whom shall form a quorum) to be elected individually at the Annual General Meeting which shall be held as early as practicable in each year. The Committee shall have the power at all times to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members. The elected Committee shall have the power to co-opt as necessary additional Members to the Committee who shall have the right to vote at Meetings of the Committee.

2b. Trustees – There shall be not more than 4 Trustees of the Club. The first Trustees shall be appointed by the Committee and the property of the Club (other than cash which shall be under the control of the Treasurer) shall be vested in them to be dealt with by them as the Committee shall from time to time direct by resolution (of which any entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence). The Trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the club property.

The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by a resolution of the Committee which may for any reason seem sufficient to a majority of the members of the Committee present and voting at any meeting remove any Trustee or Trustees from the office of Trustee. Where by reason of any such death, resignation or removal it shall appear necessary to the Committee that a new Trustee or Trustees shall be appointed or, if the Committee shall deem it expedient to appoint an additional Trustee, the Committee shall by resolution nominate the person or persons to be appointed the new Trustee or Trustees. For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination the Chairman of the Committee is nominated as the person to appoint new Trustees of the Club within the meaning of the Trustee Act 1925 Section 26, and he shall by deed appoint the person or persons so nominated by the Committee as the new Trustee or Trustees of the Club and the provisions of the Trustee Act 1925 shall apply to any such appointment. Any statement of fact in any such deed of appointment shall, in favour of a person dealing bona fide and for value with the Club or the Committee, be conclusive evidence of the fact so stated.

3. The number of subscribing members shall be limited to 85. A Life member may be elected at the Annual Meeting if, in the opinion of members he has rendered valuable services to the Club over a period of 10 years. Members who have been in the Club for 30 years or more and live outside a radius of 50 miles from Knaresborough may be made Honorary Life Members of the Club. Members who have attained the age of 65 years and have been full Subscribing Members for a period of at least 10 years may elect to become Senior Members paying one-half of the current Annual Subscription. Such Senior Members shall not be accounted as Subscribing Members, but shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Club. The number of Senior Members shall be limited to a maximum of five in number at the discretion of the Committee.

4. That anyone desirous of becoming a member of the Club must make written or electronic application to the Secretary who will forward the applicants details to a member of the Club Committee for vetting. If the application is successful the applicants’ details are added to the Club Waiting list to be offered membership when a vacancy arises.

5. The Club Annual Subscription is £250.00. New Members will be required to pay a non-refundable Joining Fee of £100.00. Each Full Member will be entitled to 4 x free daily guest tickets to fish any of the Clubs’ waters. Members may purchase additional daily guest Tickets from the Club Secretary or Treasurer at a charge of £10.00 to fish Appleby Carr and the Killinghall/ Hampsthwaite stretch and £5.00 to fish the Little Ribston stretch.

5a. Season and Day tickets for the general public to fish Little Ribston only, can be purchased electronically from the Club website. The Season will commence on the 1st April at a cost of £30, adult Day tickets £5,accompanied juniors (under 16 years of age) £2.50. Such Season Tickets to be limited to 60 in number.

6. That Members shall not be permitted to fish or participate in any of the privileges of the Club (including the use of free tickets) until they are in possession of the Club’s Membership card, and that this card shall be distributed to Members only on payment of their subscriptions, which shall become due in advance on the day of the Annual Meeting.

7. The subscription fee will be increased by 20% for any Full Member who fails to pay their subscription by 1st April and that any member who fails to pay their subscription by 1st May shall cease to be a member.

8. That no trout less than 23cm (9in.) in length, and no grayling less than 30cm or greater than 38cm shall be taken from the Club’s waters. The number of trout or grayling to be taken by any one Member in one week shall be limited to two.

9. That the Killinghall/Hampsthwaite water be restricted to fly and worm fishing using fly rod and reel only during the trout season. Bait fishing with worm and maggot for grayling to be permitted during the close season for trout, no ground baiting with maggots allowed. Any legal fishing method is permitted at Little Ribston. The use of barbless hooks is recommended.

10. That no alteration of these Rules shall be made except at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting and that notice in writing of any proposed alteration shall be given to the Secretary not less than fourteen days prior to such Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

11. The Committee is authorised to call an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held in not less than 48 hours notice of any such emergency which in the opinion of the Committee requires an immediate decision.

12. The Chairman presiding at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club may, with the consent of a majority of the Members then present, accept a verbal amendment to a proposed alteration of any Rule.

13. Sunday fishing is permitted on any of the Club’s waters where the Riparian owner has not prohibited Sunday fishing.

14. That a Member, if prevented from attending the Annual General Meeting, if he notifies the Secretary before the Meeting, may have his name put forward for election to any Office.

15a. Members children or grandchildren under 21 years of age are entitled to fish any Club waters free of charge. Such Junior Members must be accompanied by their parental Member until reaching the age of 17, thereafter the Junior Member can fish independently.

15b. At the age of 21 the Junior Member ceases to be a junior and an application for full membership can then be considered.

16. Reports of any alleged transgressions from Club Rules should be reported in writing to the Secretary within 48 hours, for action by the Club Committee, and notification to the alleged transgressor.

17. It is expected that all able bodied members and attend two
working parties per season.

18. Anyone declining to comply with Club Rules shall cease to be a member.


1. Fly only, single hook no larger than size No.10.
The use of barbless hooks is recommended.

2. Members and guests are limited to taking one brace of fish in any one week, to a maximum limit of 20 fish in any one season. This rule may be varied at the discretion of the Club Committee, and a notice of variation will be prominently displayed.

3. No dogs allowed.

4. No more than eight people to fish at any one time.

5. Cars must not be taken into the field. Please park alongside the road.

6. At the end of each day’s fishing a record of all captures by members and their Guests should be recorded in the box provided. Nil returns are required.

7. Fishing is permitted all year. However catch and release will operate for one week after any fish stocking. A notice will be displayed by the returns box accordingly.

8. No member may share his rod with a Guest.

9. The fishing week will run from Monday to Sunday inclusive.