Rules & Constitution

1. Introduction to Christchurch Angling Club
Welcome to Christchurch Angling Club. We offer a range of River and Stillwater Fisheries for the beginner, experienced and specimen angler. Our stretches of the Rivers Avon and Stour are renowned for their specimen Barbel and Chub. The Rivers Avon and Frome offer Brown trout and Grayling, Whitesheet is a Rainbow, Brown and Blue trout fishery where a variety of day tickets are available to members and their guests to purchase. We also have Stillwater fisheries that contain 40lb plus carp. Your handbook contains fishery maps that show all the information you will need.

Before you start fishing:
– You must be in possession of the appropriate Environment Agency fishing licence for the number of rods you are using.
– Fix the car sticker in the front left hand corner of your Car windscreen when using our fishery car parks and keep to the designated parking areas indicated on the fishery maps.
– Familiarise yourself with the Club Rules and Regulations, particularly fishing times as they vary for each venue. Know the Sunrise and Sunset times which are in your handbook.
– If you are fishing alone tell someone where you are and when to expect you home. Phone/internet reception can be poor in some locations.
– Familiarise yourself with the contact numbers in your hand book so if you encounter any issues with wildlife, or see any fish in distress you know who to call.
– If you see Fish in Distress or signs of pollution please contact the Environment Agency on their 24 hour number: 0800 807060

The club relies on its members to help to ensure the facilities we provide are maintained to a high standard and we continue to meet the standards required on fisheries we lease and own. So you can help:
– Report to the office: 01202 480009 or 07437 007730
(Email: if you see any issues, or
damage that needs to be dealt with by our Fisheries Management Team.
– Where toilets are provided at a venue please leave them clean and tidy,
exactly how you expect to find them.
– Pay particular attention to our litter policy.
– Be courteous if asked to produce your CAC membership card
by a bailiff, club official, riparian owner or fellow club member.

– We are only trying to protect your fishing from poaching or
inappropriate activity. Regrettably if you are unable to produce your
membership card you may be asked to leave the fishery.
– We encourage our members to be part of the club, if you are able
to help with the running of the club, or are willing to give some time
to help the Fisheries Management team to keep the fisheries to a
high standard please let us know. Contact the office on the number
above,or via email.
Additional tickets available to club members
An additional benefit of membership is we have exchange books for Eastleigh andDistrict Angling Club, Portsmouth and District Angling Society and Godalming
Angling Society. These are available to all members; our website explains how the
scheme operates. It is important these are returned on the day of loan, or, at the latest,
by 7:30 the following day. Info about these fisheries is available on their website: / /
To encourage new members Guest Tickets can be purchased for some of our venues. An
annual non fishing guest ticket is also available for all our fisheries.
As a member you are able to take up to two fishing guests where the fishery allows.
Tickets must be purchased by the member before fishing starts and you must accompany
your guest(s) at all times to the fishery and ensure they understand the club rules and
fishery regulations. Details and costs are on our website.
Thank you for joining Christchurch Angling Club we hope you have a successful season.
Remember to send us photographs, particularly if you achieve a personal best fish. You
may submit a written Specimen Fish notification (found online or in your handbook) if you
wish to be considered for a club Prize. Minimum weights for entry to club prizes are
shown in your handbook.
Finally we need to keep our membership records up to date so we can let you know of
events and club news. If you change your residential address, email address or contact
phone number please remember to let us know, either email the office or send to us the
Change of Contact form in your handbook.
Thank you and Tight Lines.
This is Christchurch Angling Club (CAC). We are a trust operating under provision of the
Trustees Act 1925. By paying a fee whether by annual payment, monthly installments,
holiday membership, guest or day ticket you agree to be bound by our terms and
Full Adult, Concessionary and Disabled membership allows full unsupervised access to all
Minors (under the age of 14) accompanying a full member must be added to the full
members permit.
Minor membership includes a non- angling adult (parent or supervisor) who must
accompany the member at all times on all our fisheries.
Junior membership (14 to 17 years of age) includes a non- angling adult (parent or
supervisor). Unless specified in the individual fishery regulations juniors (ages 14 to 17)
may fish unaccompanied during regular fishery hours (one hour before sunrise to one hour
after sunset) only and not at any other time.
Student members (18 to 22 years of age and in full time education) may fish waters
Christchurch Angling Club accepts no responsibility for any injury, loss or damage caused
by cattle, other animals or any circumstances on CAC waters and car parks. Anglers are
asked to note that all persons entering CAC waters or our car parks do so entirely at their
own risk.
Minor or junior members left unsupervised by an adult are left at their own risk and CAC
accepts no responsibility for their personal safety. Members are not permitted on any
fishery during the coarse fishing season closure periods unless in possession of the
appropriate Environment Agency licence to fish for Salmon, or Migratory/Non Migratory
2.Club Rules
Name & Headquaters
1. The Club shall be called Christchurch Angling Club and its headquarters (HQ) are
currently at PO Box 9183, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 9JW or such other place as may
be decided by the Committee.
2. The objectives of the Club shall be to obtain water for Members to fish in and to
promote the interests of angling generally. Any Member becoming aware of any water
within a radius of 25 miles of the Club HQ, which is likely to be available for sale or rent, is
expected to inform the Secretary.
If a Member is considering the purchase or rental of Fishing Rights within 25 miles of
the Club, he/she must contact the Secretary to ascertain whether the Club have already
opened any negotiations.
All such discussions will be treated in strict confidence by both the Officers of the Club and
the Member concerned. If the Club have not opened negotiations, the Club undertakes not
to compete with the Member. No Member shall compete with the Club in respect of the
purchase or rental of Fishing Rights.
3. Membership shall be open to all persons interested in angling, but the Committee shall
have power to refuse membership. Candidates for membership must make application on
a form to be obtained on-line or from the Membership Secretary or such other authorised
person. All applicants may be required to attend an ‘intake meeting’ to be notified by the
All anglers on fishing club/fishery waters must be in possession of the appropriate
Environment licence for the number of rods you are using at all times. All relevant EA bye
laws will be observed on club waters.

An entrance fee may be payable in addition to the current annual fishing fee. No
prospective Member shall be entitled to fish in Club waters until they have paid the Fishing
Fee and received the Club’s permit to fish.
The number of Members to be furnished with fishing permits shall be fixed by the
Committee, but may be varied by them from time to time at their discretion, having regard
to the prevailing facilities for fishing. The names of candidates in excess of the fixed number
who may be elected to Membership shall be placed on a waiting list and they shall be
supplied with fishing permits in rotation in the order of their election to Membership,
whenever vacancies occur.
Non-payment of the Fishing Fee by any applicant when notified that they can fill a vacancy
shall render them liable to have their name removed from the Club’s Register of Applicants.
Conditions Regarding Junior Membership
Juniors up to 18 years of age may be admitted to membership of the Club at rates decided
by the Committee. They are free to fish all parts of the Club waters specified in the
Regulations. The number of juniors to be admitted is at the discretion of the Committee.
Application for membership for juniors is subject to the following conditions:
(a) They must be proposed and seconded by members who know them and can vouch as
to their suitability for membership;
(b) Juniors will not be entitled to vote or hold Office in the Club, but they shall be entitled to
all other privileges of membership, except for age restrictions on certain fisheries.
Members are responsible for advising any changes of circumstance, address and contact
information to the club as soon as possible. Communication to members will be to the
address held on record, where possible using electronic communication. Where a valid
email address is held for a member, information sent to that address will be deemed to
have been delivered.
President and Vice-Presidents
4. There shall be a President and Vice-President of the Club elected at the Annual General
Meeting. The Members at a General Meeting may also elect as Honorary Vice-Presidents
persons who may have special or distinguished service to the Club, or whom they desire to
Officers and Comittee
5. The Club shall have the following elected Executive Officers:
Chairman – Treasurer – Secretary – Fisheries Management Officer
The Non-Executive Officers shall be:
Vice-Chairman – Game Secretary – Press & Publicity – Assistant Secretary
The Chairman shall not vote except in the case of an equal vote, when they may exercise
their right of casting vote. No person shall hold more than one of the positions of
Executive Officer or Officer.
There shall be up to ten Members of the General Committee, three of whom shall be
elected as, Head Bailiff, Assistant Fisheries Manager, and Carp Secretary. The
remainder shall fill posts within the Committee as they occur. The Committee may co-opt
other Members to fill vacancies. Officers and Committee shall be elected at the AGM.
At each AGM, all Executive Officers shall retire, being eligible for re-election if they so
At each AGM, all elected Officers and Committee Members who have served for a
period of two years shall retire, being eligible for re-election if they so desire. Any person
wishing to apply for a position that becomes available at the AGM, for one of the four
Executive positions that become vacant yearly or one of the other committee positions
that is coming available where that officer has served 2 years must apply in writing to
the club Secretary by 1st May. During the course of the year the committee will
continue to co-opt members to vacant positions.
Any Officer or Committee Member, elected or co-opted, may be removed at an
Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose, providing at least two-thirds of
those present vote for his/her removal.
Tackle dealers or their employees (paid or unpaid) and Committee Members or Officials
of other clubs shall not be eligible for membership of, or election to, the Committee. Any
conflicts of interest must be declared. In addition, people wishing to adopt recognised
Committee positions will be elected by Members at the AGM.
Co-opted Members will be ratified by Members at the AGM and development of subcommittees will be encouraged. A description of the Roles & Responsibilities of all Executive
Officers, Officers and Members of Committee will be maintained, and is available on our
Powers of Committee
6. The Committee shall manage the entire business of the Club and give effect to its
objectives and in particular, shall have power to negotiate for and secure suitable water
for fishing and enter into contracts for the leasing of existing water of the Club and
other water which may become available. They may acquire or rent boats for the use of
Members, make regulations in regard to the use of boats, appoint Fishery Managers or
Bailiffs, official weighers of fish, employ labour for clearance of waters or river banks,
or for other purposes which will tend to improve fishing facilities for Members, and to
re-stock the waters of the Club. They may make regulations in regard to the use of Club
waters and vary the regulations from time to time and may make different regulations
for different waters. Regulations shall be notified to the Members in such a way and at
such a time as the Committee may decide.
No member or person shall have the authority to spend or commit the club to
expenditure of its money unless authorised in accordance with this rule. The club shall
not accept liability or responsibility for any such expenditure so incurred.
Regular or urgent commitment to spend on items of maintenance, fish welfare,
administration and vehicle expense up to a value of £250.00 are permissible
by persons nominated by an overall majority of committee members voting. A register of
persons so authorised and their authorisation shall be kept by the club. The register of
authorisations is to be reviewed annually and updated when authorisations expire.
Commitment to spend on any other items up to a value of £1000 shall require the
approval by a simple majority of the committee voting. Commitment to spend on fish
stocks shall be by a simple majority of the committee voting, initially agreeing a stocking
policy and then by nominating a committee member to be responsible for carrying out the
policy. Commitment to spend on items between £1001 and £5000 shall require a
two-thirds majority of committee voting. Commitment to spend on items between £5001
and £10,000 shall require the unanimous approval of the committee providing that the
vote is put to eight or more committee members. Commitment to spend in excess of
£10,001 shall require the unanimous approval of the full committee. Where a unanimous
vote is required and cannot be agreed or there is not a full committee the proposal shall
be put to the members at the General Meeting or Special Meeting called for the purpose.
When possible, regular payments for rents, leases and hiring, shall be by standing order,
BACS or similar process. By preference regular monthly, quarterly or six monthly amounts
are to be arranged. All such regular payments shall be reviewed annually for their
continued payment and the approval of any increases using the rules for expenditure given
No member of the committee shall receive payment for any services rendered to the club
other than that approved by unanimous agreement of the committee voting.
The officers and committee shall be empowered to borrow monies for the purpose of
purchasing freehold fishing rights with or without associated land on behalf of the club,
and undertaking fishery maintenance/improvements.
7. There should be no more than four Trustees. The first Trustees shall be appointed by
the Committee, and the property of the Club (other than cash, which shall be under the
control of the Treasurer) shall be vested in them to be dealt with by them as the
Committee shall from time to time direct by resolution (of which an entry in the Minute
Book shall be conclusive evidence). The Trustees shall be indemnified against risk and
expense out of Club property. The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation,or
until removed from office by a resolution of the Committee who may for any reason,which
may seem sufficient to a majority of them present and voting at any meeting, remove
any Trustee or Trustees from the office of Trustee. Where, by reason of any such death,
resignation or removal, it shall appear necessary to the Committee that a new Trustee
or Trustees shall be appointed, or if the Committee shall deem it expedient to appoint an
additional Trustee or additional Trustees, the Committee shall by resolution nominate the
person or persons to be appointed. For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination,
the Chairman is hereby nominated as the person to appoint new Trustees of the Club,
within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustees Act 1925. He shall by deed, duly appoint
the person or persons so nominated by the Committee as the new Trustee or Trustees
of the Club, and the provision of the Trustee Act 1925 shall apply to such appointment.
Any statement of fact in any such Deed of Appointment shall, in favour of a person dealing
bona fide and for value with the Club or the Committee, be conclusive evidence of the fact
so stated.
Fishing Fees
8. All members shall, before receiving a Fishing Permit, pay fees to the Treasurer or
such authorised persons, a defined Fishing Fee (assessed by the Committee) no later
than the expiry date of their current membership. The Fee may cover the right to fish
in all the Club’s waters, or the right may be restricted to a particular water or waters
indicated on the permit.
Separate fees of defined amounts may be fixed by the Committee, if they think fit, for the
right to fish in different waters and, should game fishing become available, a separate
fee may be fixed for the right to angle for game fish. A Member who has paid a Fishing
Fee shall be known as a “Fishing Member. All Members shall pay a reduced fee (known
as a Concessionary fee) from the date they receive their State Pension. Disabled anglers
shall pay the same fee.
Every Member shall pay the requisite fee or fees to the Treasurer or such authorised
persons when that payment becomes due.
Renewal fees must be paid on or before the membership expires, and if paid after that
may be subject to a re-entry fee, at the discretion of the Committee.
If the fee or fees are not paid, the Committee may, unless an explanation be given which
they decide to accept, cancel Fishing Membership and allot a place to a person on the
waiting list.
Should a Member whose Fishing Membership is thus cancelled, desire again to become
a Fishing Member, he/she shall take his/her turn on the list of waiting members. Any
Member who changes address shall notify his/her new address to the Secretary.
Fishing fees may be paid by any method determined by the Committee and published to
Meetings of Committee
9. The Committee shall meet monthly at a place on such day as they may decide.
Special meetings may be called by the Secretary,
previous notice thereof having been given to all Members of the Committee.
Any six Members of the Committee shall form a quorum, but will not be able to override
the financial limitations of Rule 6.
Any Officer or Member of the Committee who fails to attend three successive REGULAR
meetings without reasonable excuse shall forfeit their seat, and the resultant vacancy
may be filled by the co-option of another Member of the Club.
The Club shall not be dissolved except by a resolution of a General Meeting convened for
this purpose, and then only on a majority vote of not less than two-thirds of the
Members present.
In the event of the Club being dissolved, an offer should be made to the Donors of the
Trophies & Cups for their return, if required. All existing liabilities of the Club shall be
met and all the assets of the Club realised and distributed as agreed at this meeting.

Proper records of all decisions of the Committees, Sub-Committees of the Club shall be
kept and thereafter made available for the information of the Members. Decisions of a
Commercially Sensitive or Confidential nature shall be recorded in a Private Minute Book.
The Committees have the authority to withhold the details of these decisions.
General Meetings
10. The Annual General meeting of the club will be held on the second Wednesday
in June, or nearest date, decided by the Committee and at a venue decided by the
Committee. Notice of the date, time and place of each meeting shall be sent to each
At the Annual General Meeting of the Club to be held in June, a statement of accounts
and balance sheets shall be presented to the members together with a budget for
proposed expenditure in the coming 12 months.
At each General Meeting, such reports and other business submitted as the Committee
may consider necessary, and any other business of which a Member shall have given at
least 28 days previous notice in writing to the Secretary, shall be conducted.
A Special General Meeting shall be called at any time by the Secretary on the direction of
the Committee, or on a requisition received from no less than sixty (60) Members.
When a Special General Meeting has been called for by either the Committee, or on a
requisition received from no less than sixty (60) Members, the Secretary must notify
all Members within 28 days of the calling of the meeting, or receipt of the authorised
requisition therefor, with the date set for the meeting to take place.
Furthermore, when a Special General Meeting has been called for requesting the removal
of an Officer or Committee Member of the Club in accordance with Rule 5, then that
Officer or Committee Member shall be suspended without prejudice from the Committee.
This suspension shall take effect from the date that the decision to call a Special General
Meeting for this purpose is taken by the Committee or the date the necessary requisition
signed by no less than sixty (60) Members is received by the Secretary, whichever is the
earlier, and will remain effective until the meeting has taken place.
Any sixty (60) Members at a General Meeting shall form a quorum. If changes to the
Club Rules, or any other Club business that requires a vote, are submitted for approval
at a GM and there are less than sixty (60) members present, the Chairman of the
meeting can declare “exceptional circumstances” under which a majority of two-thirds of
those present vote in favour and a unanimous vote in favour by the committee members
present, will be considered approval.
11. All monies received by the Secretary or other Officer or Member on behalf of the
Club shall be handed to the Treasurer, who shall bank same, at Lloyds TSB Bank or such
other Bank as the Committee may from time to time decide. In certain circumstances
where funds cannot be immediately handed to the Treasurer, Committee Members who
collect on a regular basis may pay directly into the Club’s bank account and pass the
receipted counterfoil of the credit slip to the Treasurer. All cheques drawn on the clubs
bank account shall have previously been sanctioned in accordance with rule 6 paragraph
4 and shall be signed by any two executive members of the committee. The Accounts of
the Club shall be independently examined by a firm of qualified accountants to be appointed
at a General Meeting.
Any money of the Club not immediately required for Club purposes may be placed in the
Post Office Savings Bank or other bank on deposit or invested in such manner as the
Committee may decide.
The Secretary or Treasurer shall, whenever required by the Committee, give in accounts
and hand over to them all monies, books, documents, papers or other property belonging
to, or relating to, the affairs of the Club.
12a. The Club’s Bailiffs and other Officers shall have power to retain the membership
card of any Member who is deemed to have contravened any of the Club’s Rules or
Regulations, effectively suspending the Member without prejudice pending an initial review
of the circumstances by the Head Bailiff. If the Head Bailiff deems the offence serious
enough to be referred for further review by the full Committee then this will be dealt with in
accordance with the provisions of Rule 12b, as set out below, and, unless the Committee
decide otherwise, the Member shall remain suspended pending a formal hearing.
12b. The Committee may reprimand, suspend or expel any Member who shall infringe the
rules of the Club or the regulations relating to any of the Club waters, or who may be found
guilty of poaching in other water, or who fishes for coarse fish during the coarse fish close
season, except as in accordance with Rule 14, or for game fish during the close season
for any game fish, or who so conducts himself/herself as to endanger the welfare or
reputation of the Club,or behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner. Subject to the provisions
of Rule 12a above, no Member of the Club shall be expelled without first being summoned
in writing before the Committee on a stated charge and full opportunity afforded him/her
to explain his/her conduct or unless two-thirds of the Committee then present shall vote
for his/her suspension or expulsion. A Member suspended or expelled shall not be entitled
to the return of any fee paid to the Club but the Committee may, at their discretion, return
any fee or part thereof. Any Member suspended or expelled shall have the right to appeal
only at the next General Meeting and the decision of such meeting shall be final.
Fishing Guests
13. Guest tickets are available on some Club waters. A Member may introduce up to two
guests per day and must accompany those guests at all times. The member is wholly
responsible for the conduct of their guests and must ensure that they abide by all Club
Rules and Regulations. Fees and any restrictions applicable to Guests or Guest tickets are
at the discretion of the Committee.
Close Seasons
14. Coarse fishing will be allowed on certain waters between March and June as
nominated by the Committee.
15. Any dispute between Members and any matter of difference arising in connection with
fishing competitions, the awarding of prizes or the holding of trophies, shall be decided
by the Committee and their decision shall be final. When any question arises upon which
these Rules are silent, it shall be decided by the Committee.
Amendment of Rules
16. These rules may be amended by vote at an AGM, or by a postal/electronic
vote announced by the committee. The committee or any member may propose an
amendment and any member who wants to propose an amendment must give written
notice to the Secretary by 1st May. Postal/electronic votes will be undertaken at the
discretion of the committee.
Members will be given 28 days’ notice of a postal/electronic vote. No amendment to the
Rules will be carried unless two-thirds of the members present at a GM vote in favour or
two-thirds of those who respond in a postal/electronic vote are in favour.
Honorary Life Membership
17. Honorary Life Membership shall only be by recommendation of the Committee, but
be subject to approval by a simple majority of those Members present and voting at an
Child Protection
18. The Club shall work within the Joint Angling Governing Bodies, (National Federation of
Anglers, Salmon and Trout Association and the National Federation of Sea Anglers) Child
Protection and Coaching Policy.
This Policy includes the appointment of a Child Protection Officer for which a suitable
candidate shall be appointed by the Committee, but shall not be a Committee Member.
This Policy also includes the requirements for all angling guides using Club Waters
to provide the Club with a copy of their personal Third Party Public Liability Insurance
document, and a copy of a parental consent form for any person under the age of 18
who is being guided by them. Details of the Child Protection Officer are available when
required from the Secretary

Before fishing, familiarise yourself with the General Regulations relating to each individual
1. All Fisheries
1.1 All anglers on fishing club/fishery waters must be in possession of the
appropriate Environment Agency (EA) licence for the number of rods you are using
at all times. All relevant EA bye laws will be observed on club waters. Club bailiffs
and all other members (on production of their own licence and permit) are
authorised to check the EA Licence and proof of identity of any angler on fishing
club waters. Failure to provide either could lead to expulsion from the club.
All fish (except those used as live bait) must be returned to the water unharmed unless
specified within the Game Fishing section of these regulations.
1.2 Fishing is not permitted from bridges.
1.3 Display your car sticker in the front left hand corner of your car windscreen. This
must be displayed when using our car parks. Please only use designated parking areas as
indicated on the fishery maps.
1.4 Your own membership card is not transferrable and can only be used by the person
to whom it was issued.
1.5 Always carry your membership card, which must be produced when asked by an
Official of the Club, Bailiff, Committee Member, fishery owner, or another Club Member.
Failure to produce a valid permit could result in you being asked to leave the fishery.
1.6 For their own safety all minor members (those under 14 years of age) must always
be accompanied by an adult. A maximum of two minors may accompany an adult at any
time. Unless specified in the individual fishery regulations juniors (ages 14 to 17) may
fish unaccompanied during regular fishery hours (one hour before sunrise to one hour
after sunset) only and not at any other time. We would however, encourage juniors to be
accompanied by an adult member. Minors fishing on a full members permit must be
registered with the club office before they begin to fish with the member.
1.7 No unauthorised guests or family are allowed on Club Fisheries unless the fishery is
on a public open space, or they have a “Non Angling Guest” permit. Annual “Non-Angling
Guest Permits” are available to members. Please see the club website for details.
1.8 If you listen to a radio, use a phone or tablet please do so with consideration to those
around you. Music/noise must not be audible outside your immediate vicinity.
1.9 Dogs are permitted where a fishery is on a public open space, and on some
Stillwater fisheries with a valid permit. Important points: One dog per member, only
permitted where fishery maps allow, dogs must be on a lead at all times, excrement
must be cleared up and taken away and no swimming in the lakes. Please see the club
website for full details and permit cost.
1.10 If you are fishing multiple rods the butts must be within three metres of each
other to be within your swim. This is an Environment Agency Regulation. Be considerate
to other anglers in this respect.
1.11 Members Etiquette. When selecting a fishing spot be considerate of other
members who are fishing nearby. When approaching another angler give them plenty of
space. If you wish to fish either side of an angler on a river as a rule of thumb you should
be a minimum of 25 metres below or above their swim. If you fish opposite another
angler your swim is up to the centre of the river. On a lake only use specified swims or
platforms. As a general rule your swim is between 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock and again
halfway across if someone is opposite you. The overriding thing is to be considerate and
use your common sense. If you are in any doubt ask the other anglers permission before
fishing. There is no shortage of good fishing on all our rivers and lakes.
1.12 If you must leave your rods unattended remove your rig(s) from the water and
remove your bait. Leave them safely secured where they will not cause injury to another
member or any wildlife. Fishing tackle is left unattended entirely at your own risk. This is
for no more than 1 hour.
1.13 Take your litter home; you are responsible for any litter in your swim even if it is
not yours. Bag it/bin it. No Excuse. We encourage you to dispense any item in a tin or
glass container you wish to take onto a fishery to use or consume into a suitable reusable container before arriving at the venue.If you have to take glass, tin or disposable
plastic containers on to a fishery it is your responsibility to take them home with you.
you notice an amount of rubbish that cannot be easily removed from a location please
advise the office on 01202 480009 or 07437 007730.
1.14 Camping, the lighting of fires and BBQs (unless authorised by the Committee for
approved functions or Fishery Management work parties), the use of firearms (unless
by a club authorised person only) and damage to trees, fences or other property are all
strictly prohibited.
Only proprietary fishing shelters are permitted on any club fishery (umbrellas, umbrella
based shelters and bivies) and they must be sited so access around a fishery/along a
river bank is not restricted. Other temporary structures (tents, wigwam’s, gazebos etc)
are not permitted.
1.15 Keep to the permitted paths and close (and lock) all gates). Please do not damage
or interfere in any way with growing crops or farm produce. Avoid standing grass as
much as possible, and observe any out of bounds areas in particular nature reserves.
1.16 If you witness anyone not complying with our fishery regulations, or note any
damage that needs repair please contact the club office. Provide as much information
as you can.
1.17 Do not trespass or enter private property without permission.Members have no
access to Club Fisheries during the relevant close seasons unless fishing in accordance
with their EA licence and where a fishery allows.
1.18 Members may use two rods on all waters for coarse fish, unless otherwise specified
on the individual fishery map.
1.19 Use appropriate tackle if you know a fishery contains specimen size fish. Line, hook
length, and landing net should be of appropriate strength and size. Use of an unhooking
mat is compulsory.
1.20 Whilst there is no close season on most still waters, various close seasons are
enforced on all our rivers, dependent upon species. Members are not permitted on any
fishery during the coarse fishing season closure periods unless in possession of the
appropriate Environment Agency licence to fish for Salmon, or Migratory/Non Migratory
Trout. Please see individual fishery maps for details.
1.21 Salmon Parr, recognisable by the ‘thumbprints’ on their sides, must be returned
to the water immediately if caught. In no circumstances must they be placed in keep
1.22 No unauthorized boats of any description, including bait boats and drones are
allowed on any Club fishery.
1.23 Members may remove bank side vegetation, small overhanging
branches, or weed to allow a swim to be fished, but must not carry out major work
on swims, banks, trees or vegetation on any fishery. If a member believes our Fishery
Management team needs to undertake work on a fishery, please notify the office who will
advise the Fishery Manager.
1.24 The sale of any fish caught on CAC waters is prohibited unless authorised by the
committee or Fishery Manager.
1.25 You may use up to 10 live baits (max 6 inches long) in any 24 hour period. All live
baits must be used where caught and on the same day. No fish ( dead or alive ) are to
be transferred between waters. Sea fish and commercially frozen freshwater baits are
generally permitted.
1.26 Fishing for pike is generally permitted during the course fishing season only: 16
June to 14 March. Restrictions on fishing periods, and the use of lures, may apply on
some fisheries. Please see the fishery notes.
1.27 You may use braid as a mainline on rivers, and when lure or jig fishing for Pike and
Perch or as a hook link on all fisheries. It is not permitted as a mainline on our lakes
unless specified in the individual fishery map. You may however use it for spod baiting
and swim marking. In all situations you must use an adequate monofilament/
fluorocarbon leader and a protective sleeve as part of your rig.
1.28 Fishing is allowed from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset unless
otherwise specified. Sunrise and sunset times can be found in the table contained within
this Map and Rule Book. ‘one hour before sunrise’, this means you are not allowed on a
fishery before this time. When your book specifies ‘one hour after sunset’, this means
you must be off the fishery by that time. See River and Stillwater Regulations for night and
late fishing details.
1.29 The clubs Forum, Facebook account and Website are available to enable the club
and members to share knowledge and improve the dissemination of information. It is also
a good talking shop.
Anyone using this media is expected to be supportive of fellow members. Any abuse, use
of foul language, bullying or attempts to undermine the club, any of its members, or
officials, will not be tolerated. If the committee believes any user is breaching those
guidelines their access will be suspended and they will be invited to attend a committee
meeting to explain their actions.
If you have a question about how the club functions or want to ask the committee about
any matter relating to the administration of the club please email or write to the club office
where your enquiry will be logged, scheduled for discussion at the earliest committee
meeting, the outcome minuted and you will receive a formal reply.
1.30 Angling guides/coaches using CAC fisheries for their business must register with
the club before using our fisheries. Full details of our requirements can be obtained online
or from the office. Special arrangements will be made for CAC arranged coaching events.
2 Match Arrangements
2.1 Match dates will be published on the club website, and in the regular newsletter.
2.2 Venues will be pegged during the week leading up to any match; members must not
remove any pegs set up for a scheduled match.
2.3 A notice will be displayed and although there may be swims available the venue may
be closed to members not participating in a match. If spaces are available a member
may fish a venue but we ask that pleasure anglers do not interfere with match anglers or
remove/move pegs set out for the match anglers. The venue will be fully open to all club
members after the match has concluded.
2.4 Full rules for the use of keepnets during competitions will be advised on the day of the
match at the discretion of the match organiser.
2.5 All fish caught will count toward a match weight, and how to submit weighing
vouchers will be notified to each participant for each match.
3. Nets and Fish Welfare
3.1 Fixed lead rigs are not permitted on any fisheries. Your rig must be prepared so
that the lead is discarded in the event of a break off and does not remain attached to
be dragged by a fish. If you are in doubt your rig is safe ask a fellow angler or club bailiff.
Rigs will be subject to periodic inspection as part of our ongoing education programme.
3.2 Where permitted knotless keep nets only, at least 8ft long by 18ins diameter, may
be used. Keep nets may not be permitted on some fisheries, please see fishery maps
for exceptions.
3.3 Small silver fish only may be held in a keepnet but may only be retained for a short
period. Carp and Barbel of any size and any other specimen fish must not be placed in
a keepnet but may be retained for short period, in either a landing net or appropriate
retention sling for the purposes of weighing and photographing. This must be up to 30
minutes maximum. When releasing a fish support it with its head facing upstream until
it has recovered enough to swim away.
3.4 Members must ensure their nets, sacks and unhooking mats are clean and dry
before using then on any Club water.
3.5 Please use a landing net of appropriate size for the species you are fishing for, and
an unhooking mat must be used for any fish that will be in contact with the ground. Nets
must have a knotless mesh.
3.6 Special regulations apply to competitions. However if a specimen sized fish is caught
during a match, it should be weighed, photographed if required, then returned to the
water immediately.
3.7 Salmon, Brown and Sea Trout, Grayling or Salmon Parr must not be retained in
a keep net or sack under any circumstances. They must be returned to the water
3.8 The use of gorge hooks for Pike is illegal and strictly prohibited, and the use or
setting of any night-line or set-line is illegal and is strictly prohibited. Gaffs or Tailers are
not permitted. If you discover a fixed line at any Fishery please leave it in place but report
it to the Environment Agency (0800 807060) and to our office (01202 480009 or
07437 007730).
4. Rivers
4.1 The terms ‘left and right bank’ refer to respective banks as viewed when facing
4.2 Whilst there is no close season on most still waters, we respect the
Environment Agency regulations and various close seasons are enforced on all our
rivers. Please see individual fishery maps for details.
4.3 Fishing for Trout during the coarse fish close season (15 March to 15 June) is
permitted only with fly and spinner, where fishery rules allow. Brown Trout is fly only
throughout the season. No other baits are permitted. See Regulations 6,7 and 8.
4.4 Wading is not recommended however it is permitted on our rivers, but please be
aware that river bed conditions regularly change so before you enter the water make
sure you are aware of the river bed contours and water depth. No swimming under
any circumstances. EA guidelines apply where wading is not recommended early
season when fish have spawned. If you elect to wade in the river you do so entirely
at your own risk and Christchurch Angling Club will not be held responsible or
accountable in any way for any injury, loss or damage suffered as a result of your
actions on Club waters.
4.5 On some stretches of river bankside vegetation is allowed to grow to provide anglers
with protective cover and to keep river banks in their natural state where possible.
Please do not destroy this habitat, and be cautious when approaching the river’s edge, it
may drop very quickly to very deep fast flowing water.
4.6 Extended Hours: Meaning an additional two hours fishing (so leaving time will be
three hours after sunset)
Night Fishing: Meaning 24hr providing you have purchased a rivers night permit.
Both only when noted in the fishery narrative. These are special concessions, so please
use the specified car parking areas, Please note bivies are not permitted, and noise
must be kept down to an absolute minimum.
4.7 Avoid lamps/lights that may cause an unnecessary nuisance or unsettle cattle or
other wildlife.
4.8 Please ensure someone knows where you are fishing for your own safety.
4.9 Fishing for Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown and Rainbow Trout is permitted on some
club waters subject to Environmental Agency bylaws and only where stated on individual
fishing maps.
5. Stillwaters
5.1 The club recommends that full barbed hooks are not used on any lakes.
5.2 Wading is not recommended but members are allowed to wade in the water
to cast, land, photograph, or release a snagged fish only. No swimming in any
circumstances. Be aware that Stillwater fisheries are steep sided and can become very
deep very quickly from the water’s edge. If you elect to wade in the lake you do
so entirely at your own risk and Christchurch Angling Club will not be
held responsible or accountable in any way for any injury, loss or damage
suffered as a result of your actions on Club waters.
5.3 We have a limited number of Night fishing available at some venues by ticket
only. See individual fishery maps. These are available online in addition to our normal
ticket outlets. Tickets are not available to persons under the age of 16 years unless
accompanied by a full member.
5.4 If you book a night ticket and no longer want to use it please cancel it before 9am
the previous day to allow another member to book and use it. You may be prevented
from booking a further ticket for one month if this is not handled sensibly. Unfortunately
your ticket fee is not refundable.
5.5 Members fishing nights on a popular venue may be required to vacate the fishery
for a limited period after their session expires as specified by your committee. Any
restrictions will be shown on our website. Swim hogging that prevents all members
having an opportunity to fish popular swims will be dealt with by the committee.
5.6 Only members with a valid night ticket are permitted on a fishery beyond one hour
after sunset. Reserving of swims is not permitted; all are on a first come basis.
5.7 If you have a “third rod” permit (and the appropriate EA licence) the butts of all rods
must be within three metres of each other.
5.8 Periodically, lakes may be closed during any spawning activity to protect our fish.
6. Salmon Fishing
6.1 Environment Agency fishing methods for the season are as follows:
• Fly only from 1 February to 14 May
• Fly and spinning from 15 May to 15 June
• Fly, spinning and bait (shrimp or prawn) from16 June to 31 August.
6.2 Strictly catch and release throughout the season.
6.3 Crushed barb, micro barb or barbless hooks only.
6.4 Earth worms are not permitted at any time.
6.5 Gaffs or Tailers are not permitted at any time.
6.6 Always use tackle that is strong enough to subdue fish with the minimum of delay.
We recommend a minimum of 15lb breaking strain line.
6.7 Please keep fish in the water at all times. If a photograph is desired, either take
a photo of the fish in the net in the water, or briefly lift the fish just above the water’s
surface for the minimum time possible.
6.8 Measure the length of the fish to get an estimate of the weight. See the table
Salmon Weights (approximated by length)
30 11.5 lb 35 18.25 lb 40 27.5 lb
31 12.25 lb 36 20 lb 41 29.5 lb
32 14 lb 37 21.75 lb 42 31.25 lb
33 15.5 lb 38 23.5 lb 43 34 lb
34 16.25 lb 39 25.5 lb 44 36.5 lb
6.9 When releasing your fish support it facing upstream until it has recovered
sufficiently for a safe release.
6.10 Salmon fishing will be suspended during periods of sustained high water
temperature, at or above 19 degrees centigrade (66.2 Fahrenheit). Fishing is
suspended for a further 3 days after the temperature has dropped below this threshold.
Daily water temperature readings can be viewed at, or by calling
the Club office on 01202 480009 or 07437 007730 before starting to fish.
6.11 If you fish for Salmon on any club waters, when the Salmon fishing ends please
submit a catch return to the office no later than 30 September.
7. Sea Trout, Brown and Rainbow Trout Fishing
7.1 Fly only for Sea Trout before 15 May, spinning thereafter. Sea Trout may be taken if
over 14” (35cm) but we recommend a catch and release policy. A maximum of two fish
in any 24 hour period and an Environment Agency Migratory rod licence is required. The
size is measured from the tip of the snout to the fork or cleft of the tail when the fish is
laid flat
7.2 Fishing for Brown Trout is by fly only throughout the season and all Brown Trout
from any fishery must be returned, unharmed, to the water.
8. Game Fishing Etiquette on Rivers
All our rivers where game fishing is allowed are combined course and game fisheries.
Please be mindful of other anglers when fishing. The following is general guidance:

8.1 Salmon and See Trout
Start at the upper end of the stretch of river you are about to fish and move
downstream as you fish. When approaching another angler give them plenty of room. If more than one angler is present, each angler should make their way down the stretch/pool so as to allow the angler behind to fish through behind them. If in any doubt ask the other anglers permission before fishing, particularly if you intend to fish above or opposite them.

8.2 Brown Trout
Always start at the lower end of the stretch you intend to fish.Whilst walking the river bank keep well away from the water’s edge to avoid spooking fish.Give fellow anglers plenty of room; they may be watching a fish before casting.If in any doubt ask the other anglers permission before fishing, particularly if you intend to fish above or opposite them.Flies should be presented upstream or up and across.

Other Policies:

Water Reg’s 1:

Water Reg’s 2:

Water Reg’s 3 :

Map Book Addendum: