Cavendish Dock

Brief description of fishery:

Cavendish Dock is disused dock, now reservoir, spanning some 591,000 square meters.

It used to have a higher salt water content and pumped warm water in by united utilities. Some years ago a lot of carp escaped from a nearby carp fishery and took advantage of the abundance of food on offer, shrimps and larger morsels, these carp grew quick!

Back in the day it was a operated as a trout fishery and some are still there taking the odd carp bait or method feeder and carp anglers have recorded trout upto 8lb.

There are also roach upto specimen sizes, one angler recorded a roach over 2lb! and eels are present in the dock as well.

The dock isn’t overly deep like some water most areas are around 10ft in depth and and is concierges a runs water by many carp anglers.

Access & Parking

There is a main carp park as you go down the strand open to the public open the west side of the dock, this offers access to the popular pegs “the stones” and “the benches”

Over the east side there is ample parking under the bridge near salt house mills.

Season tickets run from 1st April to 31st march, there are no joining fees to pay but if you have no renewed by 31st march each year your permit will no longer be valid.

To buy your ticket online please follows the links below and complete the online form.

To assist our bailiffs when buying your season ticket please upload a picture of your face so you easily recognisable

We reserve right the to refuse season tickets to anyone and remove season tickets should fail to he adhered to.
Cavendish Dock Adult season ticket£40.00
Cavendish Dock Junior Season Ticket£20.00

New for 2023 we are happy to announce we will be offering two types of “day tickets”

  • Option Number 1 will be a day ticket, this will give you opportunity to fish during the day from 8.00am until 8.00pm
  • Option number 2 will be a 24hr ticket, meaning you can fish from 8am for 24hours and must be fully vacated by 8am the following day.

In 2022 we have a number of work parties with good turnouts, Allen Cooke will be our Work Party Co-Ordinator and organise the tidying of swims and strumming the hedges and grass to make the bankside a better environment to fish.


  • Carp
  • Eel
  • Mirror Carp
  • Roach
  • Rudd

Barrow Angling Association Limited 

Cavendish Dock Coarse Fishery 


Important Notes: 

  1. Season Ticket Holders are responsible for their own safety and fish at their own risk. Care should be taken when fishing from the East bank where the boulders, large stones and concrete blocks can be extremely slippery. All anglers should only fish the sea wall from the “Pump House” up to the “Rocks Corner” if you are accompanied. This includes fishing in the Pump House Corner, but you can fish the rocks area unaccompanied. 
  2. Season Ticket Holders should be aware that this permit is for Cavendish Dock only and does not confer to them the rights and privileges of full membership of the Association. 
  3. There is no vehicle access to the East Bank 
  4. No Fires. 
  5. No Camping. 
  6. This Season Ticket remains the property of Barrow Angling Association Limited and must be returned if requested 
  7. Cavendish Dock Coarse Fishery is part of Barrow Angling Association Limited. 
  8. There is no booking necessary for the Stones or Benches swims but anglers are limited to a 24 hour stay on these swims.  The 24-hour period is 1000 to 1000 the following day and no return for 24 hours.  The Stones is limited to a maximum of 3 anglers.  
  9. Online permits are obtainable through the BAA Website.  If you obtain a permit online then keep a record of your payment.  Bailiffs will have copies of paid-up anglers. 
  10. Permits can be purchased at Barrow Angling & Hiking Centre at 275 Rawlinson Street LA14 1DH 
  11. No fish are to be removed from Cavendish Dock.  If you see anyone taking fish then try and discretely gather evidence such as photographs and car registrations to support prosecution. 


Competitions Programme Season 2022 

All competitions are open to BAA members and Season Ticket Holders. All entry fees will be returned as prizes. Sweepstakes may be available on adult matches for those who want them. 

Cav Dock Masters Competitions 2022 

(Contact competition organiser Joe Jagger 0774  125268) 

Wednesday 20th April 2022 (Round 1) 

Wednesday 18th May 2022 (Round 2) 

Wednesday 15th June 2022 (Round 3) 

Wednesday 20th July 2022 (Round 4) 

Wednesday 24th August 2022 (Round 5) 

Sunday 18th September 2022 (Final) 

Any round that is cancelled due to spawning will be rearranged at the earliest opportunity 

Competition Rules: 

2 Keepnets to be used 

4 Carp max in each net 

Any fish over 10lb to be weighed and returned 

If rules are broken in competitions, then anglers will be banned for future matches. 


Barrow Angling Association Limited 

Cavendish Dock Coarse Fishery Rules  


  1. Car Parking
    1. Cars shall be parked with consideration to other road users. Members, Season Ticket Holders and their guests park their vehicles at the Coarse Fishery at their own risk. Neither the Association nor Associated British Ports accepts responsibility for vehicles and / or their contents. Roads to be kept clear for access.  
      • No parking at all on Cavendish Dock Road including the verges.
      • No driving or parking along the south bank (sea wall) between the barriers.
  2. Fishing Licences and Permits
    1. Before commencing to fish all anglers must be in possession of a BAA permit and the appropriate number of current Environment Agency licences. Permits / licences shall be produced when requested by any member / season ticket holder of the Association, or employees of Associated British Ports or Environment Agency.
  3.  Equipment
    1. All anglers fishing for carp shall be in possession of, and use, the following items of equipment:
      • Barbless or Micro barb hooks, size 2 hook is the largest to be used with minimum line breaking strain of 10lb. Size 16. No trebles, doubles or tandem hooks to be used.
      • Lead is not good for the environment and is not to be used unless coated.
      • Carp unhooking mats and carp care kits to be used.
      • Landing nets of 36 inches minimum size.
      • An antiseptic such as “klinik” is to be used on fish after unhooking.
      • Any angler who intends to sleep at his peg must be equipped with electronic alarms.
    2. The use of the following is prohibited on the Coarse Fishery:
      • Keep nets for pleasure fishing. Note: For Association sponsored matches only, the use of carp keep nets may be permitted.
      • Carp sacks
      • Fixed (death) rigs.
      • Main Line over 18lb breaking strain not allowed. No braided lines to be used other than on spod rods or marker rods
  4. Fishing Restrictions
    1. The following conditions apply to a membership, season ticket or guest permit issued for the Coarse Fishery:
      • All anglers are responsible for their own personal safety and fish at their own risk
      • The Season Ticket permit shall be for 3 rods and lines only. Juniors shall be restricted to 2 rods and lines.
      • Fishing from the railway bank is prohibited.
      • Junior season ticket holders shall be over the age of 12 years on the 1st April and under the age of 16 years on the 1st April.
      • Junior anglers under the age of 15 years shall be accompanied by an adult or adult member.
      • Junior anglers, under the age of 16, fishing at night, must be accompanied by an adult member, season ticket holder or a responsible non-fishing parent or guardian (No more than 2 juniors to 1 adult).
      • For safety reasons, anglers are not allowed to fish pegs 28 to 60 (pump house to sea wall, then along the sea wall) unless accompanied. No fishing allowed from Pumphouse
      • Anglers must only fish designated swims. No fishing at the sluices.
      • All anglers shall clear their chosen swim of litter prior to fishing and ensure it is clean when they leave.  Action that may result in the removal of  the permit will be taken if the swim is left littered.  Take a photo before fishing and when you leave to avoid incorrect challenges.
      • Anglers shall not leave their rods unattended. Any angler who leaves his swim shall withdraw his rod and line from the water.
      • All fish caught, shall be handled with care. Beaching of fish is NOT allowed.
      • Alcoholic drinks and the use of any non-prescription drugs is strictly prohibited on the fishery.
      • Anglers’ dogs shall not be allowed to foul the bank side verges.  Anglers must clean up if their dogs foul any area of the Dock.
      • Anglers shall not be allowed to use a boat on the Coarse Fishery.
      • No tents or fires are allowed.
      • Fishing from the railway bank is prohibited.
      • Angler’s fishing pegs likely to be fished in matches i.e. the East bank may be asked to vacate their pegs 12 hours before commencement of the match.
      • No angler shall advertise the venue or its potential, to any section of the media. However, photographs of fish caught may be submitted to the angling press. In such cases the venue should not be stated. Permission should be sought, in writing, from the committee if magazine articles are required to be written. The committee will require up to 28 days advance notice before giving a response.
    2. Cameras may not be used to transmit, post or record moving pictures for use on any media.  This includes the production of television programmes or videos or for use on Youtube or any other social media.
  5. Trout
    • Trout shall not be targeted by Season Ticket holders. Any trout caught inadvertently shall be carefully returned.
    • Game section members, fishing for trout, shall be bound by the rules of game section.
  6. Wildlife
    • The Association strongly believe that the well-being of all wildlife is sacrosanct, and any angler wilfully mistreating any animal or being prepared to mistreat any animal by having in his possession an item of equipment designed for that purpose, will be subject to the severest punishment.
  7. General Notes
    • Anglers shall not:
    • Foul the water,
    • Interfere with valves, weirs, or other works,
    • Cause damage to fences plantations, banks or walls.
  8. Correspondence and Communications
    • No Season Ticket Holder or Member of Barrow Angling Association Limited shall have contact on Association Matters with any Local or National Council, Authoritative Body or any Company, Association or Individual that may have influence over, or affect our fishing. Any correspondence or communication with any external body shall only be through the Committee.
    • No Season Ticket Holder or Member of Barrow Angling Association Limited shall use any form of written or electronic communication or media (including press and social media) in any way that may be deemed to be bringing the club into disrepute. This includes publicising or making any other comment regarding the club, its representatives or other Members or Season Ticket Holders without prior permission from the Committee
    • If any permit holder has issues, they feel should be raised to the BAA Committee, then email
  9. Enforcement
    • All anglers shall be bound by these rules of Barrow Angling Association Limited Coarse Fishery and the rules and constitution of Barrow Angling Association. Anyone in breach, shall be dealt with by the committe